SEO 101: Blogging – How to Write Effective Blog Posts
SEO 101: Blogging – How to Write Effective Blog Posts
Blogs can be described as a type of weblog, a personal journal or personal statement on the Internet. A blog is usually a written discussion or simply informational site posted on the Internet, often with discrete, usually informal journal-style text posts. Blogs are usually displayed in reverse chronological order, with the latest post at the top, and the oldest posts at the bottom. It can be a personal blog, business blog, marketing blog or just a personal site for sharing ideas and thoughts.
If you want to make money with a blog, you have to make sure that your blog has interesting and useful information that people will find informative and interesting. Many times blogs that are not monetized end up becoming inactive, as people drift away from them or just stop looking for the information contained within. Inactivity can be very costly, as it means that search engine listings for your blog are likely to fail. If no one finds your blog after a few months of posting, then you will have wasted a lot of time and energy if you did not find a solution to keep it alive. In addition, if no one reads your blog, then you will not be able to earn any revenue.
There are several popular blogging platforms on the Internet. However, blogging platforms such as WordPress, Google Blogger or LiveJournal make it much easier to create blogs since they allow you to easily create your blog in either reverse chronological order or topical order. These blogging platforms make it easy for new bloggers to get started by letting them choose their own themes and colors. In addition, they also provide easy access to tools that help bloggers to manage their blogs. WordPress and Blogger are two of the most popular blogging platforms on the Internet.
On a blog, it is best to maintain a good and consistent SEO strategy so that your website will be easy to find in search engine results. For this reason, it is important to understand how the article structure works, as well as keyword research and submission services. Once you understand these concepts and they apply to your website, you can easily use them to create effective blog posts and articles. The article structure discussed in SEO 101 article starts with the title and last name of a blog post.
In order to avoid keyword stuffing and to maintain consistency, blogs should be written in reverse chronological order. For example, it is not appropriate to start writing blog content about “the 5 best tools to improve your life” in a blog post order “how to make money online”. In addition, it is not helpful to place blog posts about “how to turn loose vagina” in a blog post order “5 ways to make her climax in 3 minutes”. In other words, you should keep all blog content consistent and avoid keyword stuffing to achieve high search engine rankings.
Finally, it is important to understand search engines and what they are looking for. For instance, a blog post may be useful to a human being but is very irrelevant to search engines. Search engines look at the number of times a keyword appears in a blog post and the number of times that keyword appears on other web pages. Therefore, if a keyword appears 10 times or more on other web pages, then that keyword may be an effective candidate for ranking higher. However, if your blog posts are only appearing in search engines every once in a while, then it is not likely that you are generating high quality traffic to your website.